EDUKIDO goes abroad
Edukido is a Polish based company which offers activities for children using the world-famous Lego blocks. The booming children’s education company has now acquired the first foreign franchisee.
Joanna Małek is responsible for Edukido’s development of the company abroad and is currently in training the master franchisor on location in Croatia. Miss Małek expalined the current master franchisee found the franchse offer on our Franchsing dot com network of websites.“He read about Edukido on the Croatian website and asked for the details of the offer,” she said.
Foreign plans
The new Croatian franchisee has bought a license for the entire country and will work as a master franchisor. In September the master franchisee, currently finishing franchise training, will launch his own branch in a town of 60 thousand residents. From next year he will start talks with potential candidates for franchisees from all over Croatia as the national master franchisor of the brand.
The owner of the Croatian branch of Edukido has experience in the franchise game, as he has been operating a mental arithmetic franchise system for two years.
“This is good news for us, because we know that he is already familiar with a similar business and knows what the role of a franchisee and franchisor is,” says Joanna Małek.
He believes that Croatia has great potential for franchising in educational activities for children and there are no activities similar to those offered by Edukido.
“Of course, there are also other franchise concepts for children, but there are much fewer of them than in Poland. However, the educational system is very outdated and rigid, so parents are more and more willing to send their children to additional classes that will allow them to develop their imagination and creativity,” says Joanna Małek.
The Croatian master franchisee is Edukido's first foreign partner, but the company is planning further development outside Poland. Edukido sees great potential in all of the neighbouring countries of Poland and Croatia.
“In the coming months we will focus on Romania and Hungary,” says Joanna Małek.
Individual negotiations
The most important condition that must be met by a potential foreign Edukido partner is knowledge of the English language.
“We will not move without it, because we deliver all graphic and training materials in English,” says Joanna Małek.
The requirements for foreign ownership are the same as for partners operating in the home Polish market. Having a key involvement in business and devoting time to the company is vital. Also, having experience in conducting classes for children is welcomed. Initial and monthly fees for foreign partners are negotiated individually.
“We offer different options for almost every market. It depends on many factors, including the economic situation in a given country,” says Joanna Małek.
Edukido floated the idea about going abroad a year and a half ago. The pandemic slightly thwarted these plans. However, the company does not limit itself to development in Poland, where there are already 50 branches. The Edukido facility can operate in any region, so there is still a lot of room for development. For example, even in Warsaw itself there are still be places where Edukido can be opened.
A company that offers educational activities for children with LEGO bricks.
Estimate as follows:
- 52 franchise points,
- Investment from PLN 18,500/ EUR 4,200 up to PLN 42,500 / EUR 9,500 net,
- Monthly fee from PLN 550/ EUR 120 net, PLN 100/ EUR 20 for the first three months.

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The educational franchise Edukido has held information events in Hungary and Romania which have yielded results in the shape of new franchises.
Kids playing with their smartphones. An everyday and routine sight. Edukido is helping children to see other dimensions of learning and discovering the world.
– Educational workshops is our most desirable product in the Polish market. That’s why we're focusing our future cooperation on them in this country – says Edukido's Kamila Holody.
Edukido is using Lego to build up the next generation of thinkers.
An original educational programme with Lego blocks enabling children to discover the world through LEGO blocks.
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