Revenue potential / Annual earnings can range from €200,000 to €1 million, depending on various factors such as location, market conditions, and management efficiency.
Franks plans expansion into the European market. How to start cooperation?

Franks offers "Roll Dogs," a new type of hot dog that includes poultry sausages and plant-based alternatives from Beyond Meat. Ingredients such as homemade sauces and organic pickles are chosen for their quality and freshness. A renowned chef has developed the recipes, which feature flavors from around the world. Our franchise is unique because it is scalable, Premium Range food for QSR, easy to manager (you don’t need to have a chef to makes hot dogs), very few waste (every thing is made to order, shelflife is long on all product even if it is fresh) and you can go everywhere where it is crowded - said franchisor.

Financial commitment

To join the Franks franchise network, potential franchisees need to make an initial investment, which varies depending on the country and the size of the shop. The required financial commitment ranges from €80,000 to €180,000. This flexibility allows for a wide range of business sizes and models, making it accessible to a variety of investors.

Once a part of the Franks family, franchisees are obligated to pay ongoing fees to maintain their affiliation and benefit from the brand's recognition and marketing efforts. These fees include a 5% brand usage fee and a 2% marketing fee. These contributions ensure continuous brand development and market presence, benefiting all franchisees.

Comprehensive support

The company provides extensive support from the initial stages through to the opening of the business. This includes a turnkey contract, which covers all aspects of setting up the franchise, ensuring a smooth and efficient start. This hands-on support structure is designed to help franchisees overcome any challenges and achieve their business goals.

Revenue potential

Annual earnings can range from €200,000 to €1 million, depending on various factors such as location, market conditions, and management efficiency. Franchisees play a crucial role in maintaining the brand's quality and reputation. Their primary responsibilities include ensuring the highest standards of customer service and brand experience. For master franchisees, the role also involves developing the franchise network within their designated country, furthering the brand's reach and impact.

Future expansion plans

Franks has ambitious plans for future expansion. Currently, the franchise is growing in Switzerland and Belgium. Looking ahead, Franks is seeking master franchisees in several key markets, including Spain, Italy, Portugal, the UK, and Germany. This strategic expansion aims to establish Franks as a leading brand across Europe and beyond - said franchisor.

Franchising with Franks represents a promising opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to invest in a successful and supportive network. With its comprehensive support system, flexible investment options, and significant revenue potential, Franks is set to continue growth in the global market.

About Franks

  • Financial commitment ranges from €80,000 to €180,000

  • Ongoing fees - 5% for branding and 2% for marketing

  • Annual earnings can range from €200,000 to €1 million

  • Plans or expansions - Spain, Italy, Portugal, the UK, Germany, Asia

Meatless alternative / Franks offers "Roll Dogs," a new type of hot dog that includes poultry sausages and plant-based alternatives from Beyond Meat. Ingredients such as homemade sauces and organic pickles are chosen for their quality and freshness.

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