A taste of the East
The number of Ukrainian companies in the Polish market has increased to 25,000, an increase caused by the influx of refugees from Ukraine since Russia invaded in February 2022. As the Ukrainian diaspora grows all over Europe the opportunities for Ukrainian franchises who want to service them can only grow.
Poland has quickly enabled incoming Ukrainians to start business activities, allowing them to operate on the Polish market on the same terms as Poles. It offers Ukraininians preferential rates for social insurance in the first two years of the business’s operation.
Despite the ongoing problems back in Ukraine Ukrainians are still being innovative so they can make the most of business ventures abroad. Ukrainoczka is an example of a company which established itself before the war and is developing off the back of the growth in the number of Ukrainians abroad.
With Ukrainian migration on the rise interest in things Ukrainian, including food , are rising. Not surprising therefore that the Ukrainoczka chain is experiencing a rise in turnover and brand recognition. Ukrainoczka has 5 stores in five different Polish cities and 9 franchised outlets in six other cities. LIke other Ukrainian franchises it is ready for further expansion as Ukraine's prospects of European integration grow.
Reliable suppliers guaranteed
The Ukrainoczka franchising system focuses on standards of work, the design and furnishing of the stores and the range of products supplies to the franchisees. The chain has a range of suppliers of eastern food products with whom it has negotiated long term relationships that guarantee stability to both the stores and their suppliers.
The potential franchisee is expected to register their company. The franchise helps them with choosing the location, the launch of the store and with its management. It also offers legal assistance at each of the stages of the business’s development.
The franchise license fee is modest and made all the more attractive by allowing for increase in turnover and an unlimited number of outlets which a franchisee may take on. The rise in demand for Ukrainian products help to make Ukrainoczka a promising business opportunity.
The investment which is expected of a potential franchisee is just under 25,000 Euro. The initial fee is just over 1000 Euro and the monthly fee a little over 100 Euro plus VAT. The company believes that profitability for a store is feasible after 2-3 months of operation.
Ukrainoczka is a franchise for those who are enterprising and willing to work on their own. It believes that one of the key to success is the ability to lead and manage a team. The second factor the company feels is important is a positive attitude towards clients. The business’s development depends on returning clients, so quality of service and sensitivity to client needs are of paramount importance.
Ukraine producing franchises by the dozen
Over 800 local companies sell franchises in Ukraine and abroad.Nearly 40 Ukrainian businesses have their franchises abroad, usually in Eastern and Western Europe.The lack of regulation of franchises is helping their growth allowing businesses to resolve conflicts without courts and opens the market to everyone.
Ukrainian franchises are usually popular among small businesses ready to invest up to 25,000 Euro and earn on average 1.000 Euro in net profit a month. For businesses, franchising is the easiest way to expand, attract new clients and generate profit.Ukrainians, in turn, want to invest in franchises because it is safer than starting a business from scratch. Even aspiring entrepreneurs with no experience in business can buy a franchise because logistics, services and products are already tailored for them.

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