Franchise focused on pet care

Pet business / The brand offers a wide range of pet food, accessories, and services, catering to the needs of dogs, cats, birds, and small animals.
Discover how Tom&Co, a leading pet retail franchise, supports entrepreneurs with a passion for animals and offers a solid path to success in the growing pet care industry.

Tom&Co was founded in 1991 and has since grown into one of Europe's leading pet retail franchises. The brand offers a wide range of pet food, accessories, and services, catering to the needs of dogs, cats, birds, and small animals. With a presence in countries such as Belgium, France, and Luxembourg, Tom&Co continues to expand its footprint across the continent.

Franchise model and support

Tom&Co’s franchise model is tailored for entrepreneurs with a passion for animals. The franchise provides a comprehensive support system that includes assistance with site selection, store layout design, and ongoing training. This support ensures that franchisees are well-prepared to operate their businesses effectively within the competitive pet retail industry.

Franchisees pay an initial fee and contribute a percentage of their revenue to support brand development. In return, they benefit from Tom&Co's strong marketing strategies, efficient supply chain management, and customer loyalty programs, all of which are designed to help grow their businesses.

Expansion strategy

Tom&Co's expansion strategy focuses on entering new markets while reinforcing its presence in existing ones. The growing trend of pet ownership in Europe is driving demand for high-quality pet products, and Tom&Co aims to meet this demand by offering a wide array of products and services. The brand's goal is to establish itself as the go-to destination for pet owners.

Adapting to market trends

Tom&Co’s success lies in its ability to adapt to changing market trends and consumer preferences. The brand continuously innovates its product offerings and store formats to remain competitive. Additionally, Tom&Co is committed to sustainability, implementing initiatives that reduce the environmental impact of its operations and products.

Tom&Co offers a compelling opportunity for entrepreneurs interested in the pet care industry through franchising. With an established reputation, a strong support system, and a focus on sustainability, the brand provides a solid foundation for business growth. As the pet care market continues to expand, Tom&Co's franchise model presents a viable path for those looking to succeed in this thriving sector.


Financial / Franchisees pay an initial fee and contribute a percentage of their revenue to support brand development.

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