supermarkets and grocery stores

supermarkets and grocery stores | 2024-10-30

Success with grocery store

Want to run a profitable business with a strong brand behind you? Explore the benefits and requirements of grocery store franchises in Europe.

Want to run a profitable business with a strong brand behind you? Explore the benefits and requirements of grocery store franchises in Europe.

supermarkets and grocery stores | 2022-09-07

Harvesting joint success

"The economic uncertainty has led to increased franchising interest in the Harvested network, especially among employees," reveals its Executive Director, Aleš Kotěra.

supermarkets and grocery stores | 2022-07-14

Kings of convenience

7-Eleven have made franchising convenience simple.

supermarkets and grocery stores | 2021-12-16

The red beacon of travel

RELAY is the traveller’s companion that aims to make journeys as pleasant as possible.

supermarkets and grocery stores | 2021-08-12

Doing it better with Intermarché

With more than 50 years in the business, Intermarché is a truly European retail superpower.