PROFIT system - franchise experts
Franchise consulting
The publisher of the portal is the PROFIT system company, which provides comprehensive consulting in the field of franchising. More information about the PROFIT system can be found at
If you have any questions for PROFIT system consultants, please send your e-mails to or call us on +48 22 5608020. Direct e-mail addresses and telephone numbers can be found on the contact subpage.
Please read "How to find franchisees?", if you would like to present your concept on
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Information contained in the "catalogue of franchises opportunities" and in the "featured" section originates from the creators of the concepts. Before signing a franchise or affiliate agreement, the candidate should check the attractiveness of the offer of each company. The editorial office reserves the right to verify the list of systems and information contained in the catalogue and presentations. If you receive information whereby the presented data is untrue or out of date, please contact the editorial office.
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Developing a business through franchising has many indisputable advantages. Having the support of an experienced advisor allows you to implement the franchise model faster and more successfully. With 20 years of industry experience, we can help support the development and best solutions for your company. portal is published by the PROFIT system Group - an international consulting company specialising in franchising. We currently operate in 16 countries across Europe and Asia. Our goal is to develop mutually beneficial solutions based on a win-win model for both the franchisor and franchisee.
The easiest way to find franchisees in Europe is on the portal. All you need is well-prepared information about your franchise system.
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The idea of tapping into new global markets is financially appealing to any ambitious business owner.
The fast-food restaurant chains $1 billion international expansion plan
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The Fornetti Group is working to become a leader in the franchise market of frozen bakery products not only in Hungary but also in Europe.
Snap-on Tools is the world’s number one professional tool brand.