Michal Wisniewski
Michał Wiśniewski has been involved in franchise consultancy since 1998 and is associated with the PROFIT system company. Currently, he is the CEO of the company. As part of his duties, he supervises consultancy in the franchise, sales and development of the company on foreign markets. The originator and creator of the Franchising.pl portal. In his consulting work, he specializes in the development of financial models, operational solutions and franchise agreements. He managed the work of a team of PROFIT system consultants for over 200 operating franchises in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. Prepares studies and expert opinions for the Polish Franchise Organization.
Michał Wiśniewski graduated from the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw, specializing in international economic relations.

Lviv Croissants set off into the world
In just nine years, the owners of Lviv Croissants have managed to build an international chain with restaurants in Ukraine, EU countries, and the USA.

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PROFIT system - franchise experts
PROFIT system is an international consulting company specialised in franchising. We operate in 21 countries across Europe, Asia and South America. We help in the development of mutually beneficial...

Franchise consulting
Developing a business through franchising has many indisputable advantages. Having the support of an experienced advisor allows you to implement the franchise model faster and more successfully....

Types of franchises
Franchise systems can be broken into sub-sections for a better understanding on how they specifically operate. This includes types of business activity, system organisation or types of know-how.